Date Entered2012-09-22
DescriptionJemm386 is an Expanded Memory Manager for DOS, based on the source of FreeDOS EMM386. It has several advantages compared to FreeDOS and/or MS-DOS EMM386. * needs only 192 bytes DOS memory * needs very little extended memory * is faster * works with MS-DOS, FreeDOS and EDR-DOS * will use features implemented on later CPUs to further increase speed * unlike FreeDOS Emm386 Jemm386 has full VDS support * can be loaded from the command line
KeywordsHIMEM + EMM386, STABLE, COMPATIBILITY, memory manager, jemmex, himemx
AuthorJapheth, Tom Ehlert, Michael Devore (FreeDosStuff -at- devoresoftware.com)
Maintained byJapheth <mail -at- japheth.de>
Primary siteFreeDOS Base - JEMM
Alternate sitehttp://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/dos/emm386/jemm386
PlatformsDOS, FreeDOS
Copying policyArtistic License
GroupFreeDOS Base
Downloadjemm.zip (354K)