Question 1

Consider the undirected graph below.

Show the adjacency list representation of this graph. When an adjacency list has more than one vertex, put them on the list in alphabetical order.

Consider the undirected graph below.

Show the adjacency list representation of this graph. When an adjacency list has more than one vertex, put them on the list in alphabetical order.

Consider the same undirected graph.

Trace the contents of the double-ended queue during a breadth-first search of this graph with A as the start vertex.

Show the head of the double-ended queue to the left and the tail to the right.

Consider the same undirected graph.

Trace the contents of the double-ended queue during a breadth-first search of this graph with A as the start vertex.

Show the head of the double-ended queue to the left and the tail to the right.

Question 2.1: What is the solution path from A to F discovered by breadth-first search?
Consider the same undirected graph.

Trace the contents of the double-ended queue during a breadth-first search of this graph with A as the start vertex.

Show the head of the double-ended queue to the left and the tail to the right.

Question 2.1: What is the solution path from A to F discovered by breadth-first search?

A - C - F

Consider the same undirected graph.

Trace the contents of the double-ended queue during a depth-first search of this graph with A as the start vertex.

Show the head of the double-ended queue to the left and the tail to the right.

Consider the same undirected graph.

Trace the contents of the double-ended queue during a depth-first search of this graph with A as the start vertex.

Show the head of the double-ended queue to the left and the tail to the right.

Question 3.1: What is the solution path from A to F discovered by depth-first search?
Consider the same undirected graph.

Trace the contents of the double-ended queue during a depth-first search of this graph with A as the start vertex.

Show the head of the double-ended queue to the left and the tail to the right.

Question 3.1: What is the solution path from A to F discovered by breadth-first search?

A - B - D - E - F

Consider the abstract state space below, in which the heuristic value for each state is given next to it.

Trace the contents of the priority queue at each step of an A* search of this state space with B as the start state and I as the final state.

Show the queue with lowest key to the left, with the key value (not the heuristic value) in parentheses. When two items have the same key, place the alphabetically lowest item to the left.

Consider the abstract state space below, in which the heuristic value for each state is given next to it.

Trace the contents of the priority queue at each step of an A* search of this state space with B as the start state and I as the final state.

Show the queue with lowest key to the left, with the key value (not the heuristic value) in parentheses. When two items have the same key, place the alphabetically lowest item to the left.