The All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem

The all-pairs shortest paths (APSP) problem is to find shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a graph. There is a simple form for the solution that records a minimal amount of information needed to lookup distances along shortest paths as well as reconstruct the shortest paths.

There are some simple but inefficient algorithms to solve the APSP problem. The Floyd-Warshall agorithm gives a more efficient solution.


For this presentation it is assumed that all edge weights are non-negative.

If the vertices in the graph are identified with integers then the solution to the APSP problem for the graph can be given in the form of a pathInfo matrix. Each entry pathInfo[i][j] is an object with two attributes:

This matrix lets us quickly determine the shortest-path distance from a vertex i to a vertex j. To find the path itself, you first get k1 = pathInfo[i][j].neighbor. This gives you the first step on the path. The next step is to k2 = pathInfo[k1][j].neighbor. This is repeated until you reach j.

There are two inefficient ways of solving the APSP:

The Floyd-Warshall algorithm

      initialize pathInfo matrix using only paths with no intermediate vertices
      for each vertex k
        // Invariant:
        // For every i and j, pathInfo[i][j] describes the shortest path from
        // i to j among paths whose intermediate vertices are all less than k.
        for each vertex i
          for each vertex j
            update pathInfo[i][j] to allow for using k as an intermediate vertex
          end for
        end for
      end for

The following is the invariant for the outermost loop:

For every i and j, pathInfo[i][j] describes the shortest path from i to j among paths whose intermediate vertices are all less than k.

Initialization code should be designed to establish the invariant for k = 0. In other words, pathInfo[i][j] initially describes the shortest path from i to j that has no intermediate vertices. The paths we are considering have at most one edge.

If i == j (no edges) then

If there is an edge of weight w from vertex i to vertex j (one edge) then


Floyd-Warshall Update

The following is the invariant for the outermost loop:

For every i and j, pathInfo[i][j] describes the shortest path from i to j among paths whose intermediate vertices are all less than k.

Update code assumes the invariant is true for the current value of k. The code should be designed to establish the invariant for k + 1. This ensures that the invariant is true at the beginning of the next iteration of the outermost loop.

The update is suggested by the following diagram.

Here, we are trying to update pathInfo[i][j].

If pathInfo[i][j].distance < pathInfo[i][k].distance + pathInfo[k][j].distance then allowing k to be used as an intermediate vertex yields a shorter path. Then the update should change pathInfo[i][j]:

Otherwise pathInfo[i][j] should not be changed.

Note that following these rules does not lead to an update of either pathInfo[i][k] or pathInfo[k][j]. The loop does not need special case code to deal with these cases.

Floyd-Warshall Run Time

The Floyd-Warshall run time is O(V3).