Education & Professional:
- Kharkov State University,
Mechanics&Mathematics Department, Mathematical Branch, speciality "Mathematics
and Computation".
- Computer Center of
Kharkov State University, system programmer.
After graduating from KSU in 1964 he had been
posted as a researcher-probationer at KSU Computer Center (1964-1965), and then had worked
there as a head of group of computer scientists (1965-1969). During this period he was
engaged in program automation research and in educational activity, obtained his first
scientific results in creation and implementation of programming languages. 5 articles and
monograph had been published and 15 reports at scientific conferences had been presented.
- Institute of Low Temperature
Physics&Engineering of NAS of Ukraine (ILTPE).
Header of System Programming Group.
- Defence of kandidate thesis on
problems of computer algebra. He had been given the degree of kandidate of physical and
mathematical science.
1965 - 1980
Teaching on computer science at
Kharkov State University.
He began to work at ILTPE of NAS of Ukraine sinse 1969,
occupying consequently posts of presenter engineer, senior engineer, junior research
officer and senior research officer.
He carried on scientific research in computer algebra
systems area, developed SYRIUS language (co-authored with I.Axelrod) and realized system
of the same name for Soviet mainfraims Ì-20, Ì-222. SYRIUS language and system provided
the solving of problems by means of combined numerical and analytical methods based on the
simple directive natural-like language; the system allowed also to plot grafics (for one
of the first plotters and grafical display consructed in ILTPE with the help of KPI
specialists). And all this had been happened in times when there were no any corresponding
serial peripheral devices.
The most close system to SYRIUS in its ideology is the modern computer algebra system
MAPLE, which had appeared far later. SYRIUS system had a great popularity not only among
ILTPE collaborators, but had been deployed practically in every organization of former
Soviet Union, which used mainfraim Ì-222 (about several hundreds of computers).
In 1970 L.F.Belous had defenced the kandidate thesis on computer algebra, in fact based
on resuls of development and inculcation of SYRIUS system.
During 15 years he had been working simultaneously as a computer science teacher at
Kharkov State University, organized educational process for schooling of system
programmers at KSU combined with their working on probation at ILTPE Computer Center.
In 1975 together with B.A.Kalashnik he had developed the time sharing system OSF-2 for
mainframe Ì-222, which had become widely practised in the USSR. The idea of it was to
give ability for users to work in dialogue regime, because at that time Ì-222 provided
them a batch mode only, the single possible way of access to computer. The program
debugging was very ineffective, and took away much user's time. Moreover, there were no
corresponding languages and programming systems. (There was ALGOL-60 as a basic language
and its batch compiler ÒÀ-1ì).
Operational system OSF-2 allowed to combine the
batch processing with dialogue working in time sharing mode, just as nowadays user can
work at personal computer. The last OSF-5 versioon of referred system operated up to 5
terminals Videoton-340. OSF, as a rule, was distributed in couple with SYRIUS system,
providing convinient means of problems solving for mathematicians, physicists and
engineers. For a long time ILTPE Computer Center maintained these systems within the
framework of Inter-departmental Committee on Application of Electronic Digital Computers
(KEVM in Russian abbreviation).
2001 till present
- Head of Telecommunication Sector of
Together with I.V.Mikhailenko
and A.V.Prikolotin he is an author of heterogeneous computer networks of ILTPE,
which had been created and operated successfully up to the age of PC and Ethernet. The
high-speed gateway (ES-SÌ) had been developed for data exchange between ÅS –1045
(ÎS VM/SP) and SM-4, SÌ-1420 (ÎS RSX-11ì), it had allowed to create the whole
institute heterogeneous computer networks, moreover for quite separated computers, both in
datamedia and in software aspects. This elaboration gave the possibility to combine
progressively the capacities of available programming systems and computer resources to
solve mathematical problems and automate physical experiment. ES-SM Gateway was
successfully incalcated at several Kharkov enterprises also.
Since 1994 L.F.Belous took part successfully in the international project INTAS
EmNet/NIS Phase I, Phase II, as a result of this participation ILTPE had got the powerful
(for that time) computer SPARC-5, on which (in 1995) the institute site had been opened. This
computer is working up to now at institute LAN.
At present L.F.Belous is engaged in scientific research in telecommunication and data
processing area. The field of his own research consists of WWW – technologies, computer
algebra, electronic publishing systems, telecommunications.
Russian, Ukrainian (native
languages), English (professional), German (school level).
Java, etc.
Professional interests:
WWW – technologies, computer
algebra, electronic publishing systems, telecommunications.
Radio-electronics, sailing
(yachting, serfing), aviation.
